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injury of colonisation to africans and nigerians

I laugh when I think of it,how the europeans made lots of fake europeans in asia and africa,yes we speak english but we will never be an english man,our education is rubbished because they brought english,our medical doctors would have been the best if physiology,anatomy,biochemistry,pathology had been written in our local dialect.

I respect the c Chinese people,they retained their language even when they speak english,their educational materials are all in  Chinese and today they are the word power in passive not even the americans,Africans are close to doom because the injury of colonisation will be hard to heal,there is no evil on earth that the so calleisd western men have not don to africa,those days they send governors as white men to rule us but these days they send black agents who are from their governing institution like AU,IMF,Ecowas,world Bank and others,these institutions take decisions for african and make them deptors in their own land,hmm I laugh,imagine our african leaders seat to make decision and to hear from ubama or other European leaders to say something before implementing it.

A man from lybia once proposed the united state of africa like the united kingdom and united states of America when they saw the future they killed him,now we travel everyday to do consultations.taking naija as a case study,if oil gets finished we are doomed,because they bought somuch oil from us and made us forget where we actually come from,

After so many years we still don't know what we are doing,until africans get back to their normal state of mind and nigerians understand like the Chinese that we can leave without the Europeans we will go no where,

memories of my NYSC days pics

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