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Inferiority complex

How do you see yourself,have you ever looked at others having the impression that they are better than you because of what they have acquire in life,or what they put on,

their looks,maybe the class of people they move with,in our society today its a common trend.

People tend to enslaved them self due to their status,separating from people because they feel they can't even relate,either because they are

Unemployed:people who do not have jobs or own a job tend to feel inferior when they come across their pears

Their appearance

Putting on the right dress

Even not wearing good perfume.

Some years back in school me and some friends drove into the campus to have fun and get some ladies to hangout with,at the end of that night two ladies followed us home a chubby looking dark lady and a slim chocolate brown skin lady,we bought all the things they needed for the night and make sure they were comfortable.

I lay on the bed watching a music video when suddenly the brown skin girl went to the mirror and exclaimed with a loud voice"Oh my God I'm so ugly"something stroked me.and that night with the kind of boys in the house lots of things went down with that young lady but the other girl went home untouched.

Now moral lesson,the girl who called herself ugly had already had that believe that she is not good enough for people so she gave herself to anyone that comes her way.

How does inferiority start

* inferiority starts from the mind of an individual,no matter how other people look,always let yourself know you are the best and always love yourself no matter how you look.

*inferiority can be caused by the parent of a child:in a family where love and care is lacking it makes a child feel he or she is not important,some parent hurt their childrens mind by comparing them to other kids,while some call their children all kinds of names like big head,monkey,etc not knowing the psychological effects of those names,for instance the girl we met on campus must have had a parent or guardian who constantly call her ugly so she kept the impression of been ugly to herself even outwardly she was beautiful.

*siblings who where not shown how to love and respect there brothers and sister can also cause the grievous feeling of inferiority complex.

*Friends who do not know the right way to approach the truth can cause inferiority complex

*Social media bullies

*Religious leaders who make their followers feel that they are to useful either in the mosque or church.

*Poverty, financial status might also make him or her feel inferior to others

*Superior officers in place of employment can also make the junior staff feel inferior.

On the real sense nobody is inferior to another,it all depends on our state of reasoning and people around us that infects us with such thoughts.
Always tell yourself how good looking you are and how you where made in the true nature of God in no time inferiority will be a thing of the past.

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