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What FG needs to do after 2 years to the Npower volunteers

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How is 500,000 young graduates too much for the FG to employ by the end of the N-Power program? We do not institute N-Power and hence can not decide what will become of volunteers at the end of the program.
However we can wish and are free to express our thoughts. You are free to make your observation but can not disabuse the mind set of those hoping/expecting permanence.
We are not oblivious of the blue print of the "ACT" that established N-Power. What I am not away of is the law which states that the Presidency can not send another bill to the National Assembly for passage as to give volunteers permanent appointment or absorb them into the main stream of Federal Civil Service.

For the records, Mr Afolabi in his wisdom send an indirect massage to the volunteers when in his admonition of the work of the volunteers said that "those that distinguish themselves in their work are setting the pace for a positive consideration at the end of the program." If that is not enough for you to think positively, he went ahead and said that "what we are doing is to encourage our government agencies across board who do need human resources like volunteers either full time/part time to consider this pipeline of ready available Nigerian youths." 

Nobody is saying volunteers should not think outside the box or should limit they thinking by not investing. Everybody need a business, YES. But that is not to say that volunteers should not have and hence expressed high hopes of a permanent employment. 

How is 500,000 unemployed youths too much for you to be given permanent appointment by the FG? My brothers and sisters, if you take statistics of "ghost workers" whom our chairmen, governors and directors of parastatas are collecting salaries on they names, you will baffle.

Remember, hope is just a wishful thinking which is a normal proviso in every human existence. Put in your best in the execution of your duties and prayerfully, things will work out in the end in your favor.
I rest my case.

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