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Zimbabwe appoints New Minister of Whatsapp

Zimbabwe appoints "minister of Whatsapp" to control internet use

- Zimbabwe has appointed a minister to control internet use in the country

- The minister is reported appointed to clamp down on indiscriminate use of social media apps like Facebook and Whatsapp

- The appointment has raised a lot of controversy over the president's attempt to clamp down on freedom of speech

Zimbabwe’s president, Robert Mugabe, has announced that a new ministry for cyber security has been created as a trap to catch “rats” misusing the internet in the country.

Former Zimbabwe finance minister, Patrick Chinamasa, has been named as the minister who will head this new Cyber Security, Threat Detection, and Mitigation ministry.

The controversial appointment has been criticised by many who believed it is a way for the president to clamp down on freedom of speech and expression in the country.

The ministers has since been renamed as “minister of WhatsApp and Facebook” by the locals.

Zimbabwe has in fact, issue new rules on the us of Whatsapp in the country.
Before a Whatsapp group could be formed in the country, the rules required the group to be registered and for the administrator of the group to have government level clearance.

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